Thanks for all the fun memories!

Thanks for all the fun memories! I love the Bitcoin Cash community. You guys and girls are awesome!

Thanks for all the good times and happy memories, you Bitcoin Cash folks are the most awesome community I had ever joined. I will be taking a partial break from crypto for a while. I won’t be taking a complete break because I still have commitments to some BCH projects, but I may not be “working” full time in Bitcoin Cash like how I had done the last 2 years.

I just decided today the obsession wasn’t healthy. I had constant dreams and nightmares relating to crypto. I am constantly glued to the phone and neglecting relationships. My mind is seldom present in the moment. And sometimes I got depressed over it when things don't go according to plan.

But I do want to share a story about one of the most memorable crypto moments in my life. It is probably up there when I was featured on the newspaper or when Apple sent their legal team after me, back when I was still a student.

Since I won’t be trading anymore, I don’t mind sharing some of the details. A week ago, I realize there was some weird patterns going on with the bots trading the BSV coin. While I don’t have the access to the bots algorithm, I managed to figure out there is a certain pattern to their buying and selling of BSV.